KeshavaMahila Vikasa Samithi


Development Project for Women

(A Unit of KeshavaSeva Samithi, Hyderabad)

Started in the year 2010.

The main objectives of the KeshavaMahila Vikasa Samithi are :

•  Counselling centre for women with problematic family life.

•  Women with dependent children and facing financial difficulties are imparted with some skills to earn their livelihood.

•  Women having problems out of marriage , society or others like widows,destitute,distressed, deserted, divorced are given counselling legal aid or moral support and also to train them and given shelter to make them self reliant.

•  Short stay for very poor women coming to Hyderabad for attending exams, interviews etc who have no one in Hyderabad.

•   Multi skill development centers to impart training in various trades free of charge to economically weak.

•  Self help group activities for women to promote woman empowerment.

Under Keshavamahila Vikasa Samithi project Women are given training in skill development such as usage of computer, fashion designing and embroidery work so as to make them economically better.

Samithi runs sewing center in which about 150 local women were given training in tailoring and embroidary. Out of them about 90 women are earning their livelihood today from this training.

About 50 family councellings were conducted.

Some needy women were provided with private employment.

In the campus of the Samithi, social cultural and spiritual programs are conducted regularly.